"In a distant land where the horizon stretched endlessly and secrets whispered in the winds, there was a nomadic healer known as Askm. She traveled the untamed wilderness with her colorful mask and radiant blue earring, a beacon of mystery and hope.
Askm's eyes were as unique as the mask she wore. One was the color of a shining Ambar, and the other was the color of leaves in the autumn. Those who crossed her path couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, but also an inexplicable pull towards her.
Her journey was guided by a force greater than herself. She roamed from village to village, finding those who were in true need of healing, even when they themselves were oblivious to their suffering. Askm's touch was gentle, her words like soothing melodies. She had an innate ability to unearth the hidden pain that dwelled within the hearts of the people she encountered."
-Part of a Personal IP I'm working on.